
life’s not fair, is it? Memorable line from Lion king.

I went out for some drinks tonight with shawanna. As you know, she is a talented comedian so she made me laugh so much tonight. She serves the best kind of humor and the kind of compliments that you secretly want to hear. For example, She likened me and my red hair to Jessica rabbit. And according to her, I did my job.

when I got home, I discovered that one or more of the smoke detectors in the apartment was chirping. Time to replace the battery. At two-something in the morning, I dragged out the gorilla ladder from underneath the bed. The chirping stopped (maybe because I tapped a button) even before I put in a new battery. I did not put any new batteries. It will be a later problem.

eddie used to take Care of all those things. Until he couldn’t. So I had to. But never did.

but big news: I cooked a full meal for myself for the first time in months (college girl spaghetti doesn’t count). It was Eddie’s favorite chicken drumsticks and other delicious things. I felt like I made so much healing progress in recent weeks. I texted everyone: “hey look! I cooked chicken, rice, and green beans all by myself!”

life’s not fair, but it’s beautiful. So many beautiful and wonderful people in my life right now. I feel like I’m managing pretty well these days—totally healing and ruling. really it’s because of you. 3:38 am.