Imbibe and ride

10:38 pm.

I keep thinking about rejoining the climbing gym. I even looked at the monthly rates. over $100 now! I remember paying $80.

I also keep thinking about riding my skateboard. I found my board while cleaning the apartment. it was hidden underneath the fatboy bean bag in the corner. graphics and trucks brand new—sadly, not a single ollie nor grind was ever attempted. and there were cobwebs on the indys. eddie and I got brand new setups shortly before the pandemic, obviously before his legs started going bad. we never had the chance to ride them.

When he first messaged me on okcupid, he asked me if I like to “imbibe and ride.” he was speaking my language. one time while skating to the barcade, he fell while trying to ollie off a bump and I couldn’t stop laughing. i’ve seen people fall a million times and I never laughed because it’s not funny. i was just a happy person.

(I still am.)

it’s not over until you can’t do a kickflip anymore, so i’m pretty sure it’s over for me. i’m not really interested in going to the skatepark or learning tricks again anyway. i’ll be happy If I can just push down the block to the hardware store to pick up the new mop head that i need along with some other necessary household items.

Or maybe skate to the climbing gym. Wouldn’t that just be a whole new level of rad.