a free establishment

I’ve had a chill in my bones all day. Not like I’m getting sick or anything like that…just cold because it’s winter. I decided to turn the heat on. Being in the apartment by myself means I can set the temperature to whatever I want. But not above 77F because the building put a limit on our smart thermostats. People were mad.

i’m hungry right now. Nowadays I try to eat whenever I’m hungry even if it’s late at night. But I had so much sugar (sweetened espresso and multiple matcha lattes, pecan pralines, vanilla macaron) today I’m going to pass on a late-night snack. Even if it would’ve been just an apple or some crackers. Eddie’s mom FaceTimed me today. I never have to step on a scale again because she’ll always let me know with accuracy (and without me asking) whether I’ve gained weight or lost weight. She said I gained!

Thought about skateboarding again today. You know what it is…I think I’m afraid I can’t do it anymore. Like i can’t even push around. I want to go practice in a parking lot at night by myself. Well, you can come if you want. I guess Meet me at Hastings sears in an hour but in the year 1998. I’ll treat you to carrow’s after. 10:17 pm.